Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!

I wanted to make a post on some new year resolutions and goals I have set for myself so that I can look back on them in 2016 and see if I have accomplish any of them. I realized that I never went back to do a check off list with my previous new year resolutions but I think I will start to do it from now on. 

My new year resolutions for 2016

1. Exercise more. So after being told by some family members recently that I seem to have gained weight and need to lose weight. I was so devastated by their words as this is the first time I have ever got told that. I recently weighed myself on a weight scale (which is something I rarely do because I don't think weight matters as it's just a number) but I have gained 15 lbs and I am at the heaviest weight that I have ever been right now! T_T I definitely want to get back into having a fit body again and also improve my overall health as I sit way too much at work and at home and I'm starting to develop pain in my arms, lower back and knees. 

2. Eat more healthy. Okay, this I have always been doing but for the year of 2016, I want to be able to eat more well balanced and nutritious meals to balance my diet with my workout. Such as eating more vegetables and less carbs, rice and meat. 

3. Take better care of my skin. I admit it. I sometimes get lazy with my skincare routine and tend to neglect extensive care for my skin. Also because I'm getting older now I need to take even better care of my skin to prevent aging, wrinkles and all the unattractive stuff and as well as doing face masks more often than I do in a week. 

4. Learn to cook soup. So I can pretty much cook enough simple meals but I don't know how to make soup and soup is such a vital care for not only the body but skin too. I want to learn to cook some Chinese soups that will help me 保身 and improve my skin.

5. Sleep earlier! No more playing with my phone while laying in bed or watching dramas/movies until I get tired. Dark circles are starting to be a big issue and need more rest for my eyes. 

6. Get my G2. I have been putting it off since I got my G1. I'm terrified of driving and I have horrible sense of directions. But I think it is time I should face my fears and get it over with sooner than later cuz I'll definitely be even more scared to drive as I get older. 

Let's see how many of these I can accomplish at the end of 2016, lol. 

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